Privacy Policy

This document contains the Personal Data Protection Policy of “Alfa-him” LTD, entered in the Commercial Register at the Registration Agency with EIC: 116559138, with headquarters and management address: city of Razgrad, post. code 7200, “Panayot Hitov” street No. 17, with subject of activity: purchase, production and sale of PVC windows and doors, aluminum windows, doors and facades, glass and double-glazed windows, glass systems, sectional and industrial doors, fire-resistant doors, metal and security shutters, interior and entrance doors, railings, canopies and metal structures (“Policy”) and is an integral part of the General Terms of Use of the site (“Terms”). If you do not agree to the Terms, you will not be able to use the Site. If the Policy changes, the changes will be posted here. For the purpose of advertising goods and services (“Services”) on the website www. alpha -him. bg (“Site”), “Alfa-him” LTD processes personal data of individuals and legal entities – clients or other individuals specified below (“Data Subjects”/”You”/”You”), in accordance with this Policy. In the processing of personal data, “Alfa-him” LTD complies with all applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, including, but not limited to, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“Regulation”). Definitions:
  • personal data is any information that relates to you and by which you can be identified, directly or indirectly;
  • processing of personal data (“Processing”) is any action or set of actions that may be performed in relation to personal data by automatic or other means.
1. Purposes of Personal Data Processing “Alfa-him” LTD collects the data provided by you in connection with the conclusion of a contract for the supply of goods, the documentation of the actions on Processing of personal data and the fulfillment of legal obligations according to the applicable legislation: 1.1. Conclusion and execution of a contract. These are the purposes necessary for the steps in the conclusion and execution of the contract between you and “Alfa-him” LTD, including the data processing necessary for this when registering, creating an account and the activities for the delivery of the goods available through the Site. In addition, these purposes include communicating with you, including by email or telephone, as necessary in connection with the delivery of the goods and/or notifying you of changes to the delivery of the goods. For this purpose, it may be necessary to process some or all of the above categories of data. 1.2. Legitimate interest. The purposes of the legitimate interests of “Alfa-him” LTD, employees and its subcontractors or service providers or of third parties (suppliers of specific goods and persons providing warranty service), include:
  • Ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Site by you and other users, maintenance and administration of the Services, resolution of disputes, detection and prevention of malicious actions;
  • Communicating with you, including electronically, on important matters related to the Services;
  • Receiving and processing received signals, complaints, requests and other correspondence;
  • Implementation and protection of the rights and legal interests of “Alfa-him” LTD, including by court order, and assistance in the implementation and protection of the rights and legal interests of other users of the site and/or affected third parties.
1.3. Legal obligations. These are goals such as:
  • Financial and accounting activities that require the processing and storage of information required by law in order to fulfill tax, accounting and other reporting obligations;
  • Activities in fulfillment of obligations provided for in the law to preserve or provide information.;
  • Activities for the fulfillment of documentation obligations, reporting obligations and other obligations related to the fulfillment of the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and current legislation, including in connection with the obligations assigned by the Personal Data Processing Agreement and other applicable obligations.
1.4. Express consent. Your data may be processed on the basis of your express consent, and the processing in this case is specific and to the extent and scope provided for in the relevant consent, for example for sending marketing information. “Alfa-him” LTD processes personal data only in accordance with this Policy and to the extent permitted by law. Information is collected when you register on the website, place an order, subscribe to our material, provide answers, queries or comments, or fill out certain data in a form. 2. Personal data collected, stored and processed by “Alfa-him” LTD . Storage period
Personal data Target Storage period
Name Conclusion and performance of the contract, legitimate interest Up to 5 years from the date of termination of the contract
Address, phone, email Conclusion and execution of the contract, including acceptance and processing of complaints and signals, increasing the quality of the services provided, legitimate interest Up to 5 years from the date of termination of the contract
Other data provided by you voluntarily Execution of the contract Up to 5 years from the date of termination of the contract
The use of the Site is also possible without the need for registration and provision of any data by each user. The personal data provided by you will be processed for the purposes of the delivery of goods, as well as for the purposes of personalizing the website in relation to your needs, improving the website. “Alfa-him” LTD may provide part of the received data to other third parties in connection with the fulfillment of your requests, requests and orders. The services provided on this website are intended for persons over 18 years of age. “Alfa-him” LTD does not collect, use and disclose personal data of minors without the prior consent of a parent or guardian. “Alfa-him” LTD declares that it complies with the legislation in the field of child protection. 3. Rights in relation to personal data As a natural person, data subject, you have the following rights: 3.1. Right to information. This Policy aims to inform you in detail about the processing of your personal data in connection with the Services provided. 3.2. Right of access. You have the right to receive confirmation as to whether your personal data is being processed, access to it and information about its processing and your rights in this regard. 3.3. Right to rectification. You have the right to correct your personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate. Your data can be corrected by you and/or your authorized representative. 3.4. Right to erasure. You have the right to request deletion of data, except in cases where there is a substantial reason and/or legal obligation for their processing. 3.5. Right to restriction in relation to data processing. The regulation provides for the possibility to limit the processing of your personal data if there are grounds for this provided for in it. 3.6. Right to notify third parties. In case it is applicable, you have the right to request from “Alfa-him” LTD to notify third parties to whom it has provided your data, regarding the correction, deletion or restriction of the processing of your personal data. 3.7. Right to data portability. You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided that relates to you in a structured, machine-readable format, and to use this data for another controller at your discretion. 3.8. Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which gives rise to legal consequences for you or similarly significantly affects you, unless there are grounds for this and appropriate guarantees are provided to protect your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. Technologies falling into this category are not used when providing the Services on the Site. 3.9. Right to withdraw consent. You have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data based on your consent. Such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given until the time of its withdrawal. 3.10. Right to object. You have the right to object to data processed on the basis of legitimate interest. In the event of such an objection, We will consider Your request and, if justified, We will comply with it. If we believe that there are compelling legal grounds for the processing or that it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, we will inform you of this. 3.11. Right of appeal to a supervisory authority. You have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you violates the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. The supervisory authority in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, with address: Sofia 1592, “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” No. 2. 4. PERSONAL CONTACT REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA. If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please contact Mr. Hristo Hristov: e-mail: address: city of Razgrad, post code 7200, 17 Panayot Hitov St. 5. NON-DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA “Alfa-him” LTD collects personal data only in accordance with the legislation in connection with the protection of personal data. Except in the cases provided for in this Policy, personal data will not be provided to other third parties. When it is necessary to provide your personal data to contractors of “Alfa – Chem” LTD in connection with services provided by “Alfa – Chem” LTD and its contractors, these data will be processed only in accordance with the requirements of the law and in connection with the requested services. It is possible that certain personal data will be disclosed to competent authorities by virtue of a law, court decision or other appropriate act, and/or if their disclosure is necessary for the detection of crimes in the country and/or abroad. 6. LIABILITY “Alfa-him” LTD is not responsible for the personal data processing policies of web pages to which this web page contains links. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY When processing personal data, “Alfa-him” LTD takes all necessary measures to protect the information from loss, misuse, disclosure, modification or destruction, as well as publication to unauthorized third parties.