VIVA PLAST 70 mm. 5-chamber system

VIVA PLAST PVC window profiles from the 7500 series have an installation width of 70 mm. and five air chambers.

Quality control tests of the VIVA PLAST 7500 series system have proven their durability and reliability regardless of the season and climatic changes outside.

The five-chamber system has excellent strength, achieved through an even distribution of molecules in the material from which the profiles are made. The used glass units can be 24 mm thick. up to 32 mm.

Technical information

Thermal insulation of the window profile: Uf up to 1,31 W/m²K
Installation width: 70 mm / 5-chamber system
Air permeability: Class 4
Soundproofing: Rw (C; Ctr) = 32 (-2; -5) dB


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